Migration Law
- Deportation Law
- Asylum law, focusing on asylum proceedings with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and the German courts, including the withdrawal of refugee status, subsidiary protection status or the right not be deported on the basis of a potential violation of Art. 3 of the European Human Rights Convention
- Residence Permits for Germany
- Expulsion orders
- Dublin III Regulation
- German Citizenship
- The law of freedom of movement for workers/employees within the European Union
- Criminal proceedings on grounds of violation of the law of residence in Germany
- Unaccompanied minor refugees
- German/Schengen visa
How I work
My goal is to protect your interests
It is my job, to evaluate your chances and explain them to you in a way a layman can understand. No case is the same.
Every human-being and every situation is unique.
I would like to meet you in person to determine whether we can trust each other. Trust on both sides is needed to be successful together. Please make an appointment with the receptionist by phone to meet me in the office and discuss your case in person.
If you already are my client we can also talk over the phone. Please make an appointment with the receptionist and mention your file number so I can have your file on my desk when we speak.
About me
- Dr. iur. Sabine Mock LL.M. (Exeter)
- Admitted as a Rechtsanwalt (lawyer) to the German bar in 1993
- Worked as a lawyer at a number of global law firms and investment banks, focusing on finance transactions
- Since 2006, member of the Frankfurter Rechtshilfekomitee e.V.
- 2008 – 2011 worked as a deportation monitor at Frankfurt Airport employed by Bistum Limburg
- 2016 PhD at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Since 2018, member of the Commission for Hardship Cases in Hessen (Härtefallkommission) for the Refugee
Council in Hessen (Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat) - Since 2019, providing legal advice to and representation of, foreigners in deportation processes
- Since 2020, affiliated with Rechtsanwälte Helmut Bäcker, Roman Schmitt, Abdul R.Issa, Dr. Cornelia Heinzmann, Frankfurt am Main
- Affiliated with Rechtsanwälte
Helmut Bäcker, Roman Schmitt, Abdul R.Issa,
Dr. Cornelia Heinzmann,
Frankfurt am Main - Diakonie Hessen
- Deutscher Anwaltsverein e.V.
- Frankfurter Rechtshilfekomitee für Ausländer e.V.
- Hessischer Flüchtlingsrat
- Jesuit Refugee Service Berlin
by Sabine Mock
Deportation detention proceedings
by Sabine Mock
Happy ending with the right to stay
by Sabine Mock
Discrimination in the Mediterranean
by Sabine Mock
Anti-Semitism in Frankfurt
Rechtsanwältin Dr. Sabine Mock LL.M. (Exeter)
Affiliated with Rechtsanwälte
Helmut Bäcker, Roman Schmitt,
Abdul R. Issa, Dr. Cornelia Heinzmann
Vilbeler Straße 29, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Phone 0049 69 921872-0, Telefax 0049 69 921872-30
Mail: info@rechtsanwaelte-bbpartner.net
Office hours:
Monday – Friday 9.00 am – 12.30 pm
and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 14.00 pm – 17.00 pm
Bar Association
Bar Association Frankfurt
Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt
Phone 0049 69 17009801, Telefax 0049 69 17009850
Mail: info@rak-ffm.de
Title of job:
Rechtsanwalt (lawyer)
This title is awarded by The Federal Republic of Germany.
The law governing the work of a lawyer:
Federal Lawyers’ Act
Federal Lawyers‘ Order
Federal Lawyers‘ Fees Act
Lawyers’ Regulation of the European Union by The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)
Value Added Tax Number: 014 847 00116
AXA Versicherung AG
Number of Insurance: 60269200851/0I
Design: Christine Rasbernig, Frankfurt